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[07/01/2025 22:22] Euro area annual inflation up to 2.4%[30/12/2024 00:10] Eurostat: more than 71 million EU citizens at risk of poverty[24/12/2024 08:35] La France a son nouveau gouvernement. Lombard est le nouveau ministre de l'Economie[21/12/2024 01:25] European Commission launches strategic automotive dialogue from January[14/12/2024 00:06] France: Macron a nommé François Bayrou Premier ministre[13/12/2024 19:24] Il rilancio economico e produttivo dell'UE secondo Marco Buti e Marcello Messori[12/12/2024 16:39] European Central Bank delivers final rate cut of the year[09/12/2024 19:34] December Eurogroup also with the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Reeves[06/12/2024 07:46] OECD slashes growth forecasts for Eurozone[30/11/2024 13:18] COP 29: 300 Billion Dollars to Developing Countries[27/11/2024 23:48] The Von der Leyen bis Commission was elected by the European Parliament[27/11/2024 22:38] The EU budget for 2025 was finally approved by the Parliament[25/11/2024 18:02] The Cambridge Circus. Meteor or Supernova in the High Theory of Keynes' disciples?[25/11/2024 00:16] The economic horizons are complex for the new European Commission[11/11/2024 23:10] Germany: Scholz moves forward without FDP and appoints Kukies as new Finance Minister[06/11/2024 16:43] US: Trump returns President. New scenarios are possible in EU-US economic relations[31/10/2024 16:39] Eurozone economy grows 0,4% in third quarter[31/10/2024 08:14] The EU is imposing duties on electric vehicles from China after trade talks fail[29/10/2024 16:53] IMF: Europe’s economic recovery remains “below full potential” and exposed to many uncertainties[26/10/2024 02:33] EESC to host Enlargement High-Level Forum at the October plenary[18/10/2024 07:07] ECB cuts key rates again[18/10/2024 06:41] Why Nations Fail. The most famous book by Nobel Prize winners Acemoglu and Robinson[18/10/2024 06:15] Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson receive Nobel in Economics for Research on Global Inequality[12/10/2024 00:04] The debate and initiatives in the EU on the taxation of great wealth[11/10/2024 18:22] Eurogroup and Ecofin October sessions held in Luxembourg[11/10/2024 00:35] Il sesto Festival dell'economia civile a Firenze[08/10/2024 01:26] EU countries' Trade Defence Committee voted on additional duties on Chinese electric cars[01/10/2024 21:43] Economia Critica e Mani Visibili. Due eventi sul sapere critico e le fratture del Mondo[28/09/2024 19:13] ECB President Christine Lagarde spoke at the IMF's Annual Michel Camdessus Lecture[22/09/2024 11:58] France : le gouvernement Barnier est en marche. Antoine Armand, nouveau ministre de l'Économie[20/09/2024 09:04] EU budget 2025: it is better to avoid major cuts to headings and programmes[19/09/2024 08:58] Federal Reserve cuts US interest rates for the first time in four years[17/09/2024 15:31] Von der Leyen presented the new EU Commission[13/09/2024 21:52] Ecofin and Eurogroup in September with less than a third of the ministers[12/09/2024 20:27] ECB cuts interest rates by quarter point to 3.5%


Euro area annual inflation up to 2.4%
Euroeconomies, Second position, inflazione, inflation, eurozona, Germania, Francia, Italia, spagna, France, Germany, spain, dicembre 2024, december 2024, italy,

Euro area annual inflation up to 2.4%


07/01/2025 22:22

In Germania l'inflazione su base annua è aumentata a +2,6%, in Francia dell'1,8% mentre in Italia dell'1,3% ed è risalita in Spagna al 2,8%

Eurostat: more than 71 million EU citizens at risk of poverty
Euroeconomies, Third position, Bulgaria, poverty, romania, povertà, rischio povertà, risk of poverty ,

Eurostat: more than 71 million EU citizens at risk of poverty


30/12/2024 00:10

Oltre 71 milioni di cittadini Ue sono a rischio di povertà. Estendendo a tre dimensioni il rischio, salgono a 94 milioni

La France a son nouveau gouvernement. Lombard est le nouveau ministre de l'Economie
Euroeconomies, economia francese, bayrou, eric Lombardù, au finances eric lombard, cdc en france, le 23 decembre 2024, economie francaise, french economy,

La France a son nouveau gouvernement. Lombard est le nouveau ministre de l'Economie


24/12/2024 08:35

To work out a 2025 budget, Bayrou selected Eric Lombard as the new minister of economy and finance.Bayrou affida le finanze pubbliche a Eric Lombard

European Commission launches strategic automotive dialogue from January
Euroeconomies, dialogo strategico, european dialogue, settore atuto europea, european sector automotive,

European Commission launches strategic automotive dialogue from January


21/12/2024 01:25

Saranno riuniti i principali stakeholder dell'intero settore

France: Macron a nommé François Bayrou Premier ministre
Euroeconomies, Francia, France, Franois Bayrou, il centrista Bayrou, nuovo primo ministro nominato da macron, matigmon, vndredi 13 decembre 2024, Barnier,

France: Macron a nommé François Bayrou Premier ministre


14/12/2024 00:06

L’incarico al leader del partito MoDem cheha riconosciuto la gravità della situazione e promesso di voler dare delle chances ai francesi

Il rilancio economico e produttivo dell'UE secondo Marco Buti e Marcello Messori
Euroeconomies, First position, Macros/Scenarios, Economic culture, marco Buti, buti marco, economista Buti, economista Messori, Marco Buti e Marcello Messori, l'appello di Buti e Messori, Buti euroeconomie, Buti euroeconomie dicembre 2024, Messori euroeconomie dicembre 2024, RILANCIO ECONOMIA EUROPEA, beni pubblici europei,

Il rilancio economico e produttivo dell'UE secondo Marco Buti e Marcello Messori


13/12/2024 19:24

I due prestigiosi economisti, autori di una recente lettera aperta ai vertici comunitari, intervistati dalla nostra Senior Analyst Silvana Paruolo

European Central Bank delivers final rate cut of the year
Euroeconomies, Bce, #Lagarde, Ecb, banca centrale europea , dicembre 2024,

European Central Bank delivers final rate cut of the year


12/12/2024 16:39

Il passo era ampiamente previsto da analisti, mercato e media, con ulteriori tagli all'orizzonte nel 2025

December Eurogroup also with the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Reeves
Euroeconomies, eurogruppo, united kingdom, Pascal Donohoe, Rachel reeves, eurogroup, december , dicembre, financial ministers eu,

December Eurogroup also with the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Reeves


09/12/2024 19:34

The meeting was held on Monday 9 December.A Bruxelles la riunione dei ministri finanziari europei. Presente anche la collega del Regno Unito

OECD slashes growth forecasts for Eurozone
Euroeconomies, Macros/Scenarios, eurozona, crescita europea, ocse , oecd, lagarde , growth, forecasts, previsioni ocse, lagarde parla a commission econ, mercoled 4 dicembre 2024,

OECD slashes growth forecasts for Eurozone


06/12/2024 07:46

L’Ocse ha presentato mercoledi 4 dicembre a Parigi il suo Economic Outlook 2024. L’Eurozona crescerà dell'1,3% nel 2025. Lagarde si dice preoccupata

COP 29: 300 Billion Dollars to Developing Countries
Euroeconomies, baku , azerbaigian, climate agreement, 2025, sunday 24 november 2024, domenica 24 novembre 2024, 300 miliardi di dollari a Baku,

COP 29: 300 Billion Dollars to Developing Countries


30/11/2024 13:18

A Baku, in Azerbaigian, si è conclusa, dopo due settimane, domenica 24 novembre con un esito quanto meno controverso

The Von der Leyen bis Commission was elected by the European Parliament
Euroeconomies, Commissione europea, european commission, von der leyen bis, Von der Leyen II, 27 novembre 2024,

The Von der Leyen bis Commission was elected by the European Parliament


27/11/2024 23:48

Il 27 novembre a Strasburgo, in plenaria,370 sono stati i voti a favore, 282 contrari e 36 astenuti, con 688 votanti (su 719 membri)

The EU budget for 2025 was finally approved by the Parliament
Euroeconomies, Commissione europea, bilancio europeo, european commission, eu budget 2025, european budget,

The EU budget for 2025 was finally approved by the Parliament


27/11/2024 22:38

418 votes in favour, 185 votes against and 67 abstentions.The total budget for 2025 amounts to 199.4 billion in commitments and 155.21 billion in payments.

The Cambridge Circus. Meteor or Supernova in the High Theory of Keynes' disciples?
Euroeconomies, Economic culture, The Cambridge Circus, 1930 and 1931, a group of young economists Kahn, Meade, J. & A.Robinson, Sraffa, John maynard Keynes, cultura economica di euroeconomie, Marcuzzo Maria Cristina,

The Cambridge Circus. Meteor or Supernova in the High Theory of Keynes' disciples?


25/11/2024 18:02

The Cambridge Circus was a group of young economists (Kahn, Meade, J. & A.Robinson, Sraffa) closely associated with J.M. Keynes, active between 1930 and 1931

The economic horizons are complex for the new European Commission
Euroeconomies, Macros/Scenarios, Commissione europea, eurozona, Antonio De Chiara, orizzonti economici complessi, previsioni economiche poco incoraggianti, Trump, i dazi di trump,

The economic horizons are complex for the new European Commission


25/11/2024 00:16

Sul versante finanziario ed economico la Commissione Von der Leyen II partirà con previsioni economiche triennali 2024-2026 poco incoraggianti

Germany: Scholz moves forward without FDP and appoints Kukies as new Finance Minister
Euroeconomies, Macros/Scenarios, Germania, Olaf Scholz, Christian Lindner, Germany, Joerg Kukies , Spd,

Germany: Scholz moves forward without FDP and appoints Kukies as new Finance Minister


11/11/2024 23:10

Dopo il clamoroso licenziamento del 6 novembre del leader dell'Fdp, il partito liberaldemocratico tedesco, e ministro delle Finanze Christian Lindner

US: Trump returns President. New scenarios are possible in EU-US economic relations
Euroeconomies, Von der Leyen, Macron , Scholz, gentiloni, european economy, metsola, donal trump, us economy, trump victory, le relazioni economiche, economic relations,

US: Trump returns President. New scenarios are possible in EU-US economic relations


06/11/2024 16:43

Con il Tycoon alla Casa Bianca si apre una nuovo ciclo nelle relazioni economiche transatlantiche

Eurozone economy grows 0,4% in third quarter
Euroeconomies, Germania, Francia, Italia, prodotto interno lordo, Spagna , eurostat stima flash , eurostat 30 october 2024, q3 2024, groos domestic product , spain france germany italy,

Eurozone economy grows 0,4% in third quarter


31/10/2024 16:39

Nel terzo trimestre bene la Spagna (+0,8%) che doppia la Francia con + 0,4%. Meglio del previsto anche la Germania (+0,2%). Italia stavolta ferma allo 0%

The EU is imposing duties on electric vehicles from China after trade talks fail
Euroeconomies, euroeconomie, auto cinesi, import auto cinesi elettriche, dazi europei sulle auto cinesi, chinese auto, automotive, euopean economy, duties , dazi,

The EU is imposing duties on electric vehicles from China after trade talks fail


31/10/2024 08:14

Al via i dazi della durata di cinque anni imposti dalla Commissione Ue sulle auto elettriche cinesi importate nell'Ue. Pubblicato il regolamento attuativo.

IMF: Europe’s economic recovery remains “below full potential” and exposed to many uncertainties
Euroeconomies, Paolo Gentiloni, fondo monetario internazionale , fmi, IMF, alfred kammer, produttività, productivity ,

IMF: Europe’s economic recovery remains “below full potential” and exposed to many uncertainties


29/10/2024 16:53

Nel suo rapporto sull'Europa, pubblicato mercoledi 23 ottobre, vengono raccomandate riforme in grado di invertire il decennale declino della produttività...

EESC to host Enlargement High-Level Forum at the October plenary
Euroeconomies, CESE, ESSC, consiglio d'Europa, Oliver Ropke,

EESC to host Enlargement High-Level Forum at the October plenary


26/10/2024 02:33

Nel quadro dell'iniziativa Enlargement Candidate members (Ecm), hanno partecipato alla plenaria del Cese 140 rappresentanti della società civile



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