In the statement released by the Presidency on the sidelines of the Eurogroup on Monday 11 March we read that the reform of the Stability Pact is designed "to strengthen debt sustainability and promote sustainable and inclusive growth through structural reforms and investments, while promoting national ownership and strengthening enforcement. We are committed to ensuring consistent and rapid implementation this year."
The anticipations of the European Commissioner for the Economy Paolo Gentiloni are confirmed. When interviewed upon arrival, he anticipated that, after the approval of the reform of the Stability Pact in the European Parliament, the Eurozone countries would undertake "to introduce the framework of rules established in the new EU Stability and Growth Pact in a very short time frame." Referring to a challenge, Gentiloni credited, as prevalent in the assembly, the intention not to postpone its adoption.
“We will work intensely during the summer on medium-term plans with the member states” Gentiloni then assured, commenting on the outcome upon leaving the meeting of Eurozone financial ministers.
On the other agendas, a comment tweet from President Paschal Donohoe summarized the negotiation outcomes: “A very productive March Eurogroup meeting with two statements agreed by EU finance ministers: one focusing on budgetary coordination between eurozone members for 2025 and another on the long-term priority of strengthening the Capital Markets Union.”